Email Cassie Adams at with any questions.

What is Emmaus127?

Emmaus127 is the Adoption & Foster Care Ministry of Emmaus Church. It was established build awareness of the great need for care for vulnerable children and families, engage families in foster care and adoption, and support families who are directly caring for vulnerable children in their homes.

The Bible is incredibly clear about just how much God cares for the vulnerable: He sees them, knows them, and calls His church to care for them. With Emmaus127, we hope to see more people entering into the faithful care of orphans and vulnerable children through adoption and foster care!

Get Involved

Are you interested in or already engaged in adoption or foster care? Would you be willing to support a family who is fostering or adopting?

Not everyone can care for a child in their home, but everyone can do something!

Support Families

We have many ways for volunteers to engage with vulnerable children and families, ranging from occasional to regular direct involvement. If you are interested in joining our team, click below.

Sign-Up to Serve

Care Portal

Connect with child welfare needs in our local community through Care Portal. Use the button below to enroll or email Cassie for more information.

Enroll Here

Engage: Adopt and Foster

We are ready to support those who are already serving children and families through adoption and foster care!

We are also ready to help you begin caring for a child in your home.

Learn More
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
James 1:27

Contact for Questions


Ministry Director