Good Friday: It Is Finished! As we enter Good Friday, let’s take some time this morning to read the full account from Mark of this terrible and glorious day when...
Holy Wednesday: Costly Worship of our Priceless Savior As we enter Wednesday of Holy Week, the Biblical account of Jesus on this day is incredibly brief. We are only told of one story from this...
Holy Tuesday: A Glimpse of the Second Coming As we study the Gospel narrative of Jesus’ final week of life, Holy Tuesday is the day that we know the most about. We have over 8,000...
Holy Monday: The Cleansing of the Temple After His triumphal entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Jesus departed the city for the night to lodge in the nearby town of Bethany with...
Church History: The Puritans In the Winter of 2024, the Emmaus Institute for Disciple Making offered another Church History class focusing on the Puritan Era. The class...
Who was Martin Luther? As a part of celebrating this Reformation Day, we want to take a brief look at three faithful reformers in church history. In this video,...
Who was John Wycliffe? As a part of celebrating this Reformation Day, we want to take a brief look at three faithful reformers in church history. In this video,...
Church History 2 In the summer of 2023, the Emmaus Institute for Disciple Making offered the second class in a tract called Church History. The class...
Church History I In January 2023, the Emmaus Institute hosted a new form of class called a track. Church History 1: The Early Church to the Reformation is...