Serve on a Team

Find Your Place

We couldn't do what we do without men and women, students and adults who selflessly give their time and skills to make Emmaus great.

Team members serve every Sunday and throughout the week creating memorable first impressions, moving worship experiences for kids, students and adults, and helping others grow as disciples of Jesus.

We'd love to help you find a team or serving opportunity that matches your interests and skills. Learn more about and connect with our ministry teams below.

Emmaus Kids

Serve with Emmaus Kids as we raise the next generation of faithful followers of Jesus! We have a variety of roles where you can use your gifts and serve kids ranging from newborns to 5th grade - we will train you and prepare you to serve them well!

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Worship & Tech Teams

Help mentor and raise up the next generation of middle school and high school students at Eikon, the student ministry at Emmaus, on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.

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Worship & Tech Teams

Use your musical and technical gifts to help craft excellent and focused worship experiences. Lead songs vocally, play an instrument, or operate audio, video, or media equipment in one of multiple environments. Jump in today!

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First Impressions

Our First Impressions Team works hard to create a welcoming and hospitable environment across our campus each week. From the parking lot into the worship center, they serve King Jesus by helping our guests ready their hearts for worship! If you have gifts of hospitality or service, join us!

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Discipleship Ministry

At Emmaus Church, we believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus in our own backyard. Our local missions provide opportunities to serve and love our community in meaningful ways. Whether it’s through Serve the City, partnering with Samaritan’s Purse, reading to children at Buford Head Start, ministering to seniors at Chapters Assisted Living, or supporting individuals with disabilities through Joni and Friends, we are committed to serving our community and making the name of Jesus known.

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Discipleship Ministry

From Missional Community Groups and Bible Studies to our Eikon Student Ministry, all of our discipleship environments at Emmaus depend heavily on spiritual leaders who invest their lives in making disciples of others. Want to explore what it would look like to serve as a discipleship leader - let us know!

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"If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you."
John 13:14-15

First Impressions Training Manual 2025

Click Here for your First Impressions Training Manual