Politics and the Gospel


As enter another election season in the US, we as followers of Jesus once again face the question of how to faithfully navigate the chaotic waters of faith and government. How can we honor God within the hyper-political moment of our day without idolizing politics, making a candidate or party or policy a savior, and without totally disengaging altogether? That’s what Politics & The Gospel was all about – helping us keep Jesus Christ and his gospel front and center as we wade through the political waters, searching the scriptures to inform us as we think through policies and candidates, and humbly loving others who may not come to the same conclusions as us within the church.

Below you’ll find the video recording of the lecture given by one of our elders, Brian Abernathy, as well as a panel discussion with Pastor Brian Bone, Pastor Anson McMahon, and elder Brian Abernathy. You’ll also find some additionally resources for you to be able to further study this topic. We pray that you would be edified as you listen, and we ask that the Lord of all glory would fill you more and more with the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ so that you may equipped to walk through this season with humility, love, and prayerfulness. We leave you with this quote from John Calvin:

But love will best judge what may hurt or edify; and if we let love be our guide, all will be safe(Institutes 4.10.30, emphasis added)


Video Replay


God and Politics by Mark Dever

Authority: How Godly Rule Protects the Vulnerable, Strengthens Communities, and Promotes Human Flourishing by Jonathan Leeman

How the Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith and Politics in a Divided Age by Jonathan Leeman

Politics According to the Bible: A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding Modern Political Issues in Light of Scripture by Wayne Grudem