Godly Discernment for Using Technology The following article is the material of week 2 of the Emmaus Institute Class “Discipleship in a Digital Age” taught by Pastor...
Holy Saturday: The Sovereign God, Our Hope in Pain We conclude our Holy Week Devotions building up to Resurrection Sunday with Holy Saturday. On that day in history, the disciples were in...
Good Friday: It Is Finished! As we enter Good Friday, let’s take some time this morning to read the full account from Mark of this terrible and glorious day when...
Maundy Thursday: Washed by the Humble Savior Today marks Maundy Thursday in our journey through Holy Week. If you’re like me and didn’t really know what “maundy” meant, allow...
Holy Wednesday: Costly Worship of our Priceless Savior As we enter Wednesday of Holy Week, the Biblical account of Jesus on this day is incredibly brief. We are only told of one story from this...
Holy Tuesday: A Glimpse of the Second Coming As we study the Gospel narrative of Jesus’ final week of life, Holy Tuesday is the day that we know the most about. We have over 8,000...
Holy Monday: The Cleansing of the Temple After His triumphal entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Jesus departed the city for the night to lodge in the nearby town of Bethany with...
Palm Sunday: Hosanna to the Son of David! Today marks the beginning of Holy Week. As we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, let us slow down with the gospel...
Who was John Knox? As a part of celebrating this Reformation Day, we want to take a brief look at three faithful reformers in church history. In this video,...
Who was Martin Luther? As a part of celebrating this Reformation Day, we want to take a brief look at three faithful reformers in church history. In this video,...
Who was John Wycliffe? As a part of celebrating this Reformation Day, we want to take a brief look at three faithful reformers in church history. In this video,...
Why Does Theology Matter? Sometimes I can hear from Christian friends this sentiment, “why do we talk so much about theology? Just give me Jesus, and show me...
The Problem of Perfectionism Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m such a perfectionist” in a way that’s seems like they’re happy about it...
Dark Nights of the Soul Have you ever walked through a season that was so deeply difficult, filled with such enormous trials, that you began to doubt God? Have you...
Don’t Cheapen Grace Grace is one of the most wonderful things we receive from the Lord Jesus. It is by grace through faith that we are saved, not of our own...
Struggling for Assurance! There’s a common problem that many believers have faced or are facing, regardless of their age: a lack of assurance. What I mean by...
Second Chances I love Barnabas. He is largely an unknown man from the scripture. We aren’t told a ton about his background. We know hardly nothing about...
5 Ways God Keeps Us Through His Church In Psalm 73, the psalmist Asaph begins his poem in a very dangerous spot spiritually. His “feet had almost stumbled” and his...
57 Reasons to Long For The Word of God In 1 Peter 2:2, the Apostle Peter gives an interesting command for us to follow if we are to experience spiritual growth in our lives....
Evangelism Resources “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all...
Three Lessons from a Hike Not long ago, I took a hike up Mount Yonah alone, and as I climbed the mountain for the very first time in my life, I was reminded of three...
Be Rich I’ve been walking through the Gospel of Luke lately in my personal study time with the Lord. I do this often – after studying...
Slower is Stronger We live in a culture that prizes productivity, efficiency, and convenience. Faster, better, easier – these are words that sell. Marketers...
Hard Love For the last four months, Pastor Anson has walked our church slowly through 1 Corinthians 13 on Sundays, examining what the Apostle Paul...
The Fruitful Life “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant…” Matthew 25:21 With all my heart, I long to hear those six words....
Uncommon Community As Missional Community Groups jump back into gatherings for our fall semester, I have found my heart leaping with joy at what awaits us in...
Discipling Your Family Starts in the Heart As a follower of Jesus, one of my greatest desires in life is for my children to follow Him as well. I want many things for them – long,...
Making Disciples at Home All throughout the Bible, we see God repeatedly place the mantle for discipleship of the next generation very firmly on the shoulders of...
Shepherding Little Souls As we seek to make disciples at home, shepherding our children toward faithfully following Jesus themselves, there are two separate areas...
Disagree with Grace There are going to be many moments in our life when we disagree with someone else, especially other believers. What do we do in...
Free Resources to Grow Deeper While we are all stuck at home during this COVID19 crisis, let’s seek to use our extra time to grow deeper in our walks with Jesus! There...
Follow Jesus Week 3 The article below digs deep into the final week of the Winter Class called Follow Jesus offered by our Emmaus Institute in January 2020....
Follow Jesus Week 2 The article below digs deep into Week 2 of a 3-Week Course called Follow Jesus offered by our Emmaus Institute in January 2020. You can...
Follow Jesus Week 1 The article below digs deep into Week 1 of a 3-Week Course called Follow Jesus offered by our Emmaus Institute in January 2020. You can...
LGBT and the Gospel In 2016, Pastor Anson led a one-night class entitled “LGBT and the Gospel” to help our church navigate the complexities of our...